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I really like the Tesla regenerative braking

Regenerative braking is simple - it uses the electric motor to slow down the car, while generating electricity and recharging the battery. It is almost magic. The other day I was driving along stretch of downhill highway. At the top of the hill, the car displayed 220 miles of range. When I reached the end of the downhill stretch, it showed 224 miles. I drove the car, did not have to use the brakes (no wear, no dust of brake pads - good for the environment) and also "recharged" my battery. You can see when and how much it generates by the length of the green bar on the display. Again, simple concept, but still amazing!

I also noticed that using regenerative braking leads to a smoother, forward planning and more efficient driving style overall. When I approach a STOP sign, I slowly ease acceleration and try to stop at the sign without using the brake. Just after a few weeks it's all automatic, and frankly, I really try to not use the brakes at all. It makes driving even more quieter, flowing and calm. I think it takes out some of the stress of driving, because everything feels smooth. And if you need a little kick, there is always the Tesla acceleration!

Also, sometimes the reg braking is limited, and there is a green icon on the display. This happens for various reasons, either the battery is fully charged (100%) or the outside temperature are too hot or cold for charging the battery. Usually, after a few minutes of driving it recovers. One more reason not to charge to 100% when you live on a hill. You charge to 95% and then go down the hill, ending up with 100% - at least in theory. 


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